Monday, March 28, 2011


I have been doing a lot of posting and linking over on our Facebook page, and realized that I had not touched this page for too long... The Angel Unaware giveaway came off beautifully, but I have not heard back from "Kelly" I commented on her blog, but I cannot find her email....if this is you, please email me at underwater9800 (at)!! I'd love to get you your book!! I am disappointed in the lack of response for the possible giveaway in conjunction with the Designer Genes...I am trying to figure out a back-up plan...I'll let you know the status on that... Would you mind to comment here or on the Facebook page of how old your lovies with a bonus chromosome or other disability is? So I know if we actually have maybe a tighter grouping of ages? It will affect my ideas...Thanks!! We have some of our community that really need your prayers!! Please look at the Opportunities tab for more to the story! I am waiting on a phone call concerning Elise's school situation for next year. I will let you know more later. Please join with me to pray for the right changes for her!! I promise more soon...but I didn't want to think that I had abandoned you!! :)


  1. Tiffany, prayers headed your way. Ellie is 18 months-old and rockin' that extra special chromosome like no other. . .and getting into trouble. I am sad to hear that there is a poor response :-( let me know if I can do anything to help.

  2. Just read your "Opportunities tab". Looks like we have been praying for the same families! My heart just breaks every time I read their stories.

  3. Just found your blog. I'm in Chattanooga and found it thru the facebook page of CDSS. My son is Noah, 9 and he is 60 pouds of SONSHINE!
    Looking forward to catching up on your blog.

  4. The Boy just celebrated his 16th birthday, is chock full of chromosomes and surfs the spectrum.
