There are two images and you can choose all of one or 6 of each...or whatever combo you'd like for 12 cards.
The card options:

Snowflake Cookies

Holiday Fun
Aren't they ADORABLE!!! It'd make you thankful that you are running behind on your Christmas card sending, wouldn't it, now?? :)
Keep in mind tomorrow is the Twelfth Day of Christmas so MAKE SURE YOU ARE ENTERED!!!
Bonus Entry Today for the 12th Day Biggie!! If you "Fan"ed/"Liked"/followed Band of Angels or Just a Little Bit Downsy because of the giveaways and liked them so much you plan to stay with one or both, please send me an email at with the subject line "Liking and Staying".
And the ways to enter:
1) JUST COMMENT!! :) (Here or on Band of Angels or Just a Little Bit Downsy's Facebook pages!)
2) Fan (or Like) Band of Angels on Facebook and comment here* that you did/have
3) Follow Band of Angels' Blog and comment here that you did/have
4) Fan (or Like) Just a Little Bit Downsy on Facebook and comment here* that you did/have
5) Follow the Just a Little Bit Downsy blog and comment here* that you did/have
6) Paste Band of Angels' Blog Button (bottom of the sidebar) on your blog and comment here* that you did, with your URL
7) Paste a link to this giveaway on your blog or Facebook or somewhere else on the internet and paste that link here* in a comment
8) Paste the Just a Little Bit Downsy Blog Button (top of my sidebar) on your blog and comment here* that you did, with your URL
Tell your friends!And yes, if you did all the entries on a previous entry, you can state them again for this giveaway, too.
And don't forget to enter for the Biggie on The Twelfth Day of Christmas!!! Here!! (Every entry on any of the other Days of Christmas gets you an extra entry!!)
*It has come to my attention, that Blogger will not allow all if your particular ID will not allow you to comment on this blog, you may either comment on the Just a Little Bit Downsy's Facebook page (the badge on the sidebar will link you right there!) on the alert for the day's giveaway or you may email me your entries ( Make sure that if you email them, that you put which day of Christmas you are entering as the subject line and who you are and your entries IN the email!
This link works just fine. Glad you got to enjoy a Christmas party tonight. Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year to celebrate our Savior's birth and life. It's so amazing to realize what God did for us. I am so grateful for all His blessings in my life.