Elise LOVES Hockey!!! I mean LOOOOVES Hockey!! We went to a Gwinnett Gladiators game last year and I don't think she tore her eyes from the ice. Whenever someone body checked another player she would cheer "Hit Ice!", eyes alight! She got to meet the mascot, Maximus, the Gladiator's Lion and it was magic.
Scroll forward a bit, and she enjoys watching hockey on TV. She would eat popcorn and keep her attention entirely focused.
At first I thought it was the ice that had such a power over her. No. Nope. Nuh-uh. I turned on figure skating and Amelia was coo-ing instantaneously over the princess clothes and the pretty music. Elise looked terribly perplexed and asked "Stick?" Nope, no sticks. They just dance. She snorted in disgust and left in a huff. She takes figure skating as a personal affront and refuses to stay in the same room when it is on. I am quite serious.
We went again to a Gladiator's game this year, and took my parents. Elise cheered and whooped whenever there were body checks and the hoots of approval went up for the fights. (What's a hockey game without fights??)
Maximus was too far away for us to make it to shake his paw this time, and Elise was SO disappointed. She loves him and, if possible, was even more excited to see him than the game. I was so thankful that it was $5 kids jersey night, and I grabbed one for her. She has slept in it almost every night since.
I wish you could see her watching hockey. She is such a pleasure to watch. Even if you didn't like hockey, if you went with Elise I guarantee that you, too, would be cheering, "Go, HIT, ICE!!!" Her excitement is like a force field, lighting up everyone with its power!!