
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Secrets of the Band of Angels Website

I've said how much I love this company, their products and their values...well, it just keeps getting better...I have been treasure-hunting their website feeling like a regular Indiana Jones!! And I thought that if I have allowed all these treasures to pass me by, perhaps others have missed these secrets, too.

Well, NO MORE! Here are some of the coolest spots (in my very humble opinion) that Band of Angels has to offer!

They have a brothers and sisters section. I was MOST excited about this particular gem. I have only one child with Down Syndrome. And I have three other children. I am their mother too...and I love them and hope and pray that I mother them properly and meet their needs. I also pray that the "extra" that Elise brings to our family is a blessing and grows them, instead of causing them to feel like less because I neglect them in meeting their sister's significant needs. I obsess over this sometimes...and have craved the perspective of siblings... (As a matter of fact, I freaked out a fraternity brother of my husband, hunting him down and begging him to be a guest blogger...he did say yes, and he'll go up in January. Which is when I hope to have 2-4 guest bloggers on Fridays each usual, if you are interested, give me a shout!) BUT I am SO excited that Harper Kidder decided to make his mark on the community, reminding us that the siblings of kids with special needs have special needs of their own, with all the extra that they have to deal with...and what a blessing to see the joy that they "catch" from their brothers or sisters, with Down Syndrome, in this case...

They have a blog! Totally didn't know this either! This blog posts what activities the company is involved in supporting, the opportunities they are offering or making, their new products, sales, and product spotlights. It's really cool. I am constantly impressed how open this company is with their opportunities, their giving, and their mission. I have not found one single thing that makes me raise my moral eyebrows...and nowadays that is harder and harder to come by!

They have a Bike Camp for kids with special needs, it originated for kids with Downs, but I found several sites where they linked up with other organizations focused on Autism, and other groups. It's a simple need that they acted on. Many of us take for granted the childhood "right" to riding a bike. Many, if not most, kids with profound physical and mental involvement truly struggle to ride a bike, if they are even offered the attempt. The Band of Angels Bike Camp, set out to make this "rite of childhood" available to kids and even adults with Down Syndrome...opening it to other special needs as well. They boast an amazing success rate for confidence and independence!

Finally, I'll brag on their opportunities...they don't just act on their own...they encourage YOU to make a difference! They have specific outreach programs for you to act on. They list them all out and tell you what you can do to encourage and support each one!! You can donate toward specific missions and know that you are truly making a difference...and you are encouraging the JOY in someone else's life!

SO, if you go find any jewels that I should have put up...comment here or on the link and I'll totally give you an extra entry for each goody you share, on the Twelfth Day Biggie , the Halo with a Twist charm!

1 comment:

  1. As an educator I am thrilled to see the Education on the Band of Angels site. This is found by selecting the Resources tab, then selecting the Knowledge Base option and scrolling down to "education".
