
Monday, February 10, 2014

Sensory Overloading and Feet

Once upon a time, Elise was working out.  Which right now involves one of two things:  "walking" our dog around on a lead in the Invisibly Fenced yard and jumping on the mini trampoline.
Well, the day called for jumping.  She desperately needed the proprioceptive input and so she jumped happily and willingly like a mad woman.  I was sitting on the couch next to her, because she liked the audience.
Well, this time she slipped a little, and got her foot entangled in the springs.  Shrieking like a banshee, she tugged on her leg to free her foot.  I lept up and dislodged her immediately.  Total time on this was less than a minute.
She asked for snuggles and kisses.  And she was healed and went on with her day.
The next day was also, perfectly fine.
The day after that, she complained that her foot hurt.
The day after that, she refused to bear weight or go up the stairs.
They day after that I took her to the pediatrician.
Who sent us to urgent care for an x-ray.
They sent us to an Orthopaedic Specialist.
Who sent us home with a boot because she had a BROKEN FOOT.  (broken metatarsal)


This caused a lion's share of distress.  She hates shoes.  She hates feeling "unsafe".  She hates not feeling "grounded".

This made the boot a test of her emotional and sensory fortitude.

The boot caused a HUMONGOUS amount of sensory overload.  She sucked a callous onto her thumb.  She pet anyone who sat near her.  She refused to move quickly.  She was an emotional basket case.  But, she showed a gigantic leap in maturity, as she realized that things could get worse if she fought the boot.

But she buckled down and suffered for 3.5 VERY LONG weeks.  Then we got iced in.  And she wore boots in the snow...until she got cold and then she ensconced herself on the sofa.

At the end of week 4, she was released from the boot at the follow up.

This was such a wonderful and joyful celebration, I didn't even remember that it was the anniversary of her open heart surgery.

I find it fitting that she was freed from her bodily limitations at both junctures...and on the same day...

And she is free to run again.  And so she has!!


  1. Ack! A broken foot is miserable and I don't know anyone who likes that horrid boot. Way to go, Elise, in keep that annoying boot on. I can only imagine the sensory overload she got from that humongous thing.

  2. oh yikes. My oldest sons' sensory issues are probably minimal in comparison, so I applaud her! My daughter hated her boot, and almost refused to wear it!
