
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Warning: the Zombie Apocalypse is Already Upon Us

Sometimes I don't think that the idea of the Zombie Apocalypse is that far fetched...because sometimes I don't think it's particularly external...

Sometimes I feel like my life circles have expanded into another Grimm...that show suggests that all the fairy tale horrors are not made up, just that they are camouflaged and can only be seen by certain people...

Sometimes I feel like I should put up a warning sign for "Don't be my friend, unless you are prepared to hear requests for prayers for friends or hear about the dark side of parenting..."

Sometimes I feel like every time I turn around I remember that there are too many children that have been lost to disease, too many kids are fighting tooth and nail for life, too many memories that have never been made, too many families that are trying desperately for "mostly normal" status...

I weep regularly for other people because I have either been there, personally, parentally, or on the cusp of...

Sometimes I feel half-dying, torn, broken, raw, too broken for words...and sadly, I know that I am not alone in feeling this...

I wonder sometimes if it is a casualty of being in the special needs community, if it really has been that rampant my whole life and I just didn't know, or if it is something that is coming on thanks to all the truth of all the GMO conspiracy theories...

Sometimes I feel guilty for bringing this information to those who are blissfully unaware, being a Debbie Downer...sometimes I feel indignation that there are folks out there judging other parents because of their lack of information, I feel like I need to throw down the gauntlet for those that are hurting so much...sometimes I feel so ill-equipped to be a proper friend because I know how little words mean in the face of pain that big.

Sometimes, though, I am thankful that I know enough to know...sometimes I am thankful for knowing to pray...sometimes I am thankful that I can place the burdens of those who are drowning onto fresher shoulders...

I watched "Warm Bodies" with my son...half because he wanted to, half because it looked so clever funny...

The more I watched it, the funnier it got, and the more I liked it...And I seriously am not okay with zombies in general or horror as a genre...

It is super cerebral funny, but more than that, it's an interesting perspective...and I feel on a certain, over-thought-at-3am-level, that it speaks to the dark side of is simply amazing how much a fellow traveller can mean and how healing their love and support can be...

So...what on earth am I saying here??

Just that there are a lot of hurting, broken people out there...sometimes, their pain is so visible, you find yourself disgusted...or unable to look at it fully...sometimes, it is hidden below the surface, seen only by those who know what to look a zombie...

But they really, really need you to love them, to pray for them, to help hold their brokenness together, to help them heal...

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