
Monday, June 18, 2012

Y-E-S to V-B-S

I have totally been MIA, and I know and I feel genuinely guilty....but such is's just been nuts...

Elise had a spectacular time at VBS, seriously, her best ever.  For 8 years running, we have been unable to last the entire week.  Due to either meltdowns or illness, Elise has missed 1-3 days of every VBS.  Not this year.  This year the "absent day" was due to her Twinkie, Charlotte...but Elise stayed and enjoyed every single day. 

She had a bumpy first day, but we dug out the new Special Buddies Curriculum and Bible Box that were gotten for her in Sunday School and she did them with her special Shadow...and she basked, learned, and thoroughly enjoyed her week.  She got Jesus at her level, and got to remain with her was really such a blessing!!

She worked so hard at her lessons and crafts that she hit sensory overload in a strange way this year.  She was unable and unwilling to participate in the daily music.  This was somewhat of a shock, as usually, music is the only part of VBS she is completely able to be involved in.  She decided to sing with the 5th graders, abruptly for the final program, so I guess she heard and saw enough to learn the songs after all.  When we headed for home that night, she was dancing and waving her hands and I asked if she was dancing...and she said, "No, talkin' wif God!"  And so, VBS made a special mark on her heart this year...I look forward to next year!  I cannot say enough about how I appreciate her Shadow and room teacher for providing that gift this year.


  1. This is my first time seeing this, and it honestly made me cry. I'm so happy that Elise and I got to share such a special bond this year. Can't wait until next year!

  2. Elise and Tiffany:

    God understands (I hope).

    And He loves people who make joyful noises and gestures.

    Have read a lot about church ministry this season and all the great ways people have God and Jesus resonate at their levels.
