
Monday, May 7, 2012

Esther's Examples ~ Loving Friends

Esther is back and is going to remind us how to love our friends.  We DO love our friends, but they are NOT family and so we cannot tell them in the same ways.

It is nice to have friends that are like us.

It is nice to have friends that are girls.

It is nice to have friends that are boys.

We can kiss our family. Our mommy and daddy and brothers and sisters.

We can get kisses from our family.

We do not kiss our friends. Even on their cheeks. We can hold hands.

We can hug their shoulders.

We can give them high-fives. We can tell them with words that they are our friends.

We can tell our teachers the same way. Holding hands, high-fives, and even "knuckle bumps".

But we save our kisses for family.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I LOVE the dolls and their stories! Way to go - you are so creative.
