Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 for 21 - #1 Totally signed up again for this year!!

I am excited to sign up for 31 for 21 again this year! This means nothing more exciting than I commit to a post a day for every day of October for Down Syndrome. Hopefully something that I write will open someone's eyes, answer a question, touch a heart, or cause you to giggle...but if nothing else, I remind you that I celebrate my girl.

If you have a blog and want to join in on the fun, if you hit my 31 for 21 button it will take you to the sign up! Or go HERE

If you've not been around for a couple of days or weeks. Yes, I changed my blog name. I have not changed my voice or what I'm have no fear, it's still me.

If you want to peek back at LAST YEAR's 31 for 21 entries...I certainly will be to see how things have been changing. :)

I would be THRILLED to take questions and I do not get offended so please consider this your opportunity to ask me anything! This goes for those of you with littles with Downs...and those who do not have kids with any "labels," pending or otherwise...I'm wide open. :)

So. There's post #1...easy, squeezy...better stuff to come!

But just so you forgive me for the brevity of this post, here is Elise at an outreach event our church was involved with. It was one of those crazy bungy-trampoline things...To say Elise LOOOOVed it, would be the understatement of the month!!

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